Friday, September 14, 2007

Mandy's Intro

So I guess it's my turn for an introduction. I'm Mandy, the group's Arkansas livin' redneck. I've been a slinger for a year, a wonderful year in which I have learned so much from these ladies! Started writing as a kid in school and worked on stories as a teenager. Then, well you know how life gets in the way and I lost my way (in writing). It took some time but I came back and am now working on a MG fantasy. No title yet though Tree Talker is working in the Interim (Hence my pic, birch trees.) That's my writing life. For my "pay the bills" life, I work for a local non-profit cancer support agency, which is very rewarding but busy. The hubby and I are over run with critters, a dog and three cats. I am offically introduced. Welcome to blog and hope ya return soon!


misskadety said...


I am so proud of you. Way to go. Can't wait to read more.
Go Girl!!!
love ya,

Anonymous said...


Missy, Thanks for stopping by. This one of my good friends ladies, now she's a slinger supporter!

Unknown said...

Hey, Missy! Mandy is really rolling with her book.