Monday, February 16, 2009

Picture this....

Have you ever (well of course you have) been reading something and suddenly realize the writer is in your head. I read this book around Christmas and something in it really struck me and has stuck with me. It was, The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfield.

I really enjoyed the book, but page 113 especially hit home for me. A writer is describing her possible characters as people in the back of her head shouting for a turn. They become quiet once she chooses an idea for a year or so then the clamour starts all over again. I will not even try to put it as eloquently as she does.

Does every writer see that? It is always the same when I am finishing a project...the shouting begins. Some are louder than others and those are usually the characters I choose-the loudest.

I recommend this book. She has some other metaphors that once you read you can quite get rid of. Now every time the characters yell at me to choose them, I will picture the little red-headed girl in the back, quietly waiting for the final tale.


Christina Farley said...

Thanks for the recommendation. Yes, I do have characters that talk a lot or suddenly do something I never expected!

R.L. Abbas said...

I'll check it out. Yep - lots of people in my head - all shouting. I wish they were characters....